Event Phone: 512-666-9003
NCECA Conference
March 19, 2020 - March 29, 2020
8:00 AM - 11:55 PM
MULTIVALENT: Clay, Mindfulness, and Memory
NCECA’s 54th annual conference takes place:
March 25-28, 2020 at the:
Greater Richmond Convention Center
403 N 3rd St
Richmond, Virginia 23219
A region steeped in history and engaged with reinvention, the arts, teaching and learning are at the heart of Richmond, Virginia’s vision for innovation. The primary material of ceramic art, clay, connects our human experience from our local communities to distant places, and times long past. Clay’s receptivity to human touch carries the hands of distant and past makers into the here and now. Ceramic art’s diversity of expression and continuous invention generate affinities that extend the human imagination. NCECA’s 54th annual conference will explore ways that ceramic artists are charting new pathways from the complex meanings of our interwoven histories.