Art Off Center

116 W 2nd St, Ste 108

Potters Alley, Taylor, TX

AOC logo 640 X 640 trans

Holiday Party & Ornament Exchange

Event Phone: 512-666-9003

  • Holiday Party & Ornament Exchange
     December 16, 2022
     6:30 PM - 9:00 PM

Happy Holidays Everyone! It’s that time of year to tell everyone how thankful we are to be part of the Taylor community! We’ll have some holiday cheer, snacks and a little Ornament exchange (around 7:30pm) for all our great mud slingers and supporters.

Ornament Exchange
Ornament Exchange

Bring some extra cash, as we’ll be doing a little more fundraising for the Texas Critter Crusaders too, we’ll have some nice pottery seconds to pick from and donate to help our friends that support the local Taylor Animal Shelter!

Free to all, drop by and check out the studio!

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